Thank you teachers for nominating your students to our SDG Youth Programme in April 2022. With all your nominations, we had 38 students from 11 different secondary schools joining us with great feedback! These schools include Heep Yunn School, Ying Wa Girls’ School, Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School, Holy Trinity College, etc.
Initiated by the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to solve world problems such as climate change, economic growth, society equality, poverty. Our team is organising another round of SDG Youth Programme to expand our impact and hopefully inspire more students to be global changemakers through learning different case studies from around the world. Here are the details!
- SDGs Introduction and its importance
- Introduce successful social entreprenuers stories and their work in their community
- Real case studies and how organisations and companies create societal value and application in solving the SDGs
- Explore their strengths and reflect on their passion
- Enhance creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills
- Develop sustainable solutions on world issues
對象 Target:高中 Senior students(F.4-F.6級別)
日期 Date:2022年8月22日(1-3pm)
價錢 Price:$250/人 (可用Tap&Go)
參加人數 Quota:30人
舉辦形式 Format:線上
語言 Language:English
報名 Sign up link:
Please contact us directly at if you would like to bring this programme into your school or students.