Inter Code Edcademy
Theory is important in STEM, but passion is key. At InterCultural Education we try to develop a desire in kids to learn and understand how technology works. Rather than explaining concepts and then asking students to do projects that reinforce them, we try to start with the project itself–to show kids something they would want to and would enjoy making, and then give them the tools to create it. We hope to instill a spark in them that compels them to keep exploring and creating long after our classes are done.
理論在STEM中雖然重要,但是在學習過程中非常關鍵的是好奇心與熱情。 在ICE,我們嘗試激發學生學習動機和理解技術運作的過程。 除了解釋編程概念,我們會要求學生從項目本身思考,讓學生做想要而且樂於做的事,為他們提供工具進行創作。 我們希望學生在學習過程產生更多火花及好奇心,鼓勵他們在完成課程之後繼續探索和創造。
If you require hardware for the below courses, please contact for details.
STEM+A in Schools 到校課程
STEM for Primary 1 – 6
Contact: +852 909 12805 WhatsApp
STEM for Secondary 1 – 6
Unity, JAVA, C, C++, react, ruby,
JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, PHP, and more upon request
We also provide Teacher Training and Lesson Materials
Contact: +852 909 12805 WhatsApp
到校興趣班 / 網上興趣班 / 暑期班
Coding at home 網上私人課程
Scratch Game and Animation
MakeCode Arcade
Mobile App – MIT App Inventor 2
Swift playground – for Mac Only
Web Programming (html, css, javascript)
Java, Python, C and other languages upon request
Music Jam Coding Class (On-Site only)
Instagram Facebook
2022 Summer Camp, Summer Coding Camp, learn coding kids, STEM, kids coding, coding for kids, first code, learning coding, STEM 興趣班,stem class, STEM課外活動, STEM私人, 暑期私人班, 暑期興趣班 activities – creative classes + programmes creative classes + programmes, educational workshops + classes educational workshops + classes, First Code Academy, coding hong kong