❎#搶廁紙 無哂廁紙🧻可以點做?用水!呢個世界其實仲有好多人如廁後喺用水清潔,例如歐洲、東南亞國家等,佢吔覺得水比廁紙更加重要。有外遊經驗的話都會留意到某啲國家坐廁旁邊會有沖洗用嘅花曬。
We asked our friends what do their cultures/countries think about using toiler paper or water for cleaning after poo and pee?
Here is what some of replies we received:
美國 🇺🇸 America – It’s no problem in NC. We just use our hands if it runs out
索馬利亞🇸🇴 Somalia – Water in toilets is more important than tissue in my country
澳洲 🇦🇺 Australia – This is Hong Kong. most of the time your shower is in your toilet… or your toilet is in your shower… or vice versa. don’t muck about, just handle it all at the same time.
新加坡 🇸🇬 Singapore – How acceptable is using water instead of toilet paper in our countries haha some ppl think it’s unhygenic, some people thinks toilet paper is not clean enough haha
印尼 🇮🇩 Indonesia – Water! I think most people in Indonesia would agree
哥斯達黎加 🇨🇷 Costa Rica – Paper is by far the most popular option
斯里蘭卡 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka – I use wet wipes
#Disclaimer – The views and opinions expressed are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the countries that they represent. The content is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.