Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Thank you UNDP for inviting Jey to join the Asia-Pacific conference – 亞太青年領導力創新創業論壇 (Check out 0:46 and 1:13 if you want to find Jey!) I am extremely grateful to UNDP in Bangkok and Youth Co:Lab for providing me the opportunity to visit Beijing after 22 years and take part in the Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Read more about Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship[…]

Back from a conference on social innovation and volunteerism – United Nations of Geneva

On 12 and 13 June, ICE had the honour of being a partner and co-organiser of a conference on social innovation and volunteerism (#INFOCUS) at the United Nations of Geneva. It was a unique experience to enter the “Palais des Nations” (or “Palace of Nations”) every morning – a building from the 1930s for the Read more about Back from a conference on social innovation and volunteerism – United Nations of Geneva[…]

Social Innovation #infocus Conference, June 12-13 2018

ICE has been working with the National Association for the Development of Education “Friendship Notebook” for the last few months to support the #INFOCUS conference that is going to hold tomorrow, June 12-13 in the United Nations Office at Geneva.  We would like to proudly announce that our General Manager, Till and Business Consultant, Iwona, will Read more about Social Innovation #infocus Conference, June 12-13 2018[…]