Thank you UNDP for inviting Jey to join the Asia-Pacific conference – 亞太青年領導力創新創業論壇
(Check out 0:46 and 1:13 if you want to find Jey!)
I am extremely grateful to UNDP in Bangkok and Youth Co:Lab for providing me the opportunity to visit Beijing after 22 years and take part in the Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Being a Singaporean representing a Hong Kong social entreprise in Mainland China, I had the chance to meet social entrepreneurs from different parts of the world ranging from Bhutan to Samoa and learn about their innovations. The whole environment was full of positive energy and collaborative spirit as different stakeholders come together to collaborate and create new ideas to make the world a better place.
During the conference, I was also able to speak to many people from different places and learn about their countries and the difficulties that they are facing. Cherelle from UNDP Samoa opened my eyes to Samoa and its unique culture while Mr. Chimi from UNDP Bhutan shared with me about his vision of ecotourism and cultural tourism for Bhutan. It was also in this conference that I met Sophia, the first robot to receive a citizenship in the world. It was certainly a memorable trip meeting social entrepreneurs from all over the world and that has certainly given me fresh impetus to work harder in ICE and make a difference in the world.