Have you come across with something that changed your worldview?
Making assumptions is inevitable in your daily life.
All of the assumptions we make, and all of the most basic things we believe about the world, come together to form our worldview. There are many factors contributing to the way you perceive the world, including, but not limited to:
* Your cultural background
* The perspectives of people in your family
* Experiences you have had in life
* Close relationships with others
Your worldview is a really important part of who you are and besides colouring your assumptions, it can also affect your behaviour. Because it has such an impact on who you are and how you act in the world, enhancing your perspective of the world can really alter your life.
While ICE currently only operates in Hong Kong, we would like to involve others overseas as well! We envision a platform where others can read about authentic experiences of life in different countries. No matter where you’re from, there are others who’d love to hear your voice and thoughts! We are waiting in anticipation for what you have to share about your culture and country!
Article Guidelines
- Posts can be in either English or Chinese
- Posts should be 300 – 1000 words long
- Your picture and pictures related to your story!
- Topics may include (but are not limited to):
– Social Issues and Social Innovation
– Countries and Cultures
– Opinion Columns
Please answer “What inform/shape your worldview?” at the end of your story.
Don’t be afraid to send us an email for advice if you’re unsure whether your topic is suitable!
我們的三觀(世界觀 、人生觀、價值觀)影響著日常生活、影響著人與人之間的關係、影響整個人生。
其中,世界觀的建立來自知識、文化、信念、情感等,影響著我們看世界的眼光。例如,你問印度人「你吃早餐了嗎?」對著你搖頭的他說吃了,這個答案讓你一臉茫然 — 因為你們的世界觀不一樣。
被揀選的故事將會發佈在ICE IG、FB分享。
1. 字數300 – 1000,並回答你遇上什麼建立/改變你世界觀的人和事,連同你的照片、故事相關照片,內容中英文均可。
2. 寄去 ice@icehongkong.com
3. 一經揀選,會在一個月內刊登你的文章
Article Rules 注意事項
- Your article will be published on ICE official Blog and be promoted on our social media platform.
- Your article may be edited for grammar prior to publishing by our editors. If you would like to preview the changes made before publishing, please specify in your email.
- ICE does not condone discrimination or plagiarism in any form. Please be respectful to others in your article and cite sources at the bottom of the piece if needed.
By sending in an article submission, you agree to our article posting rules and guidelines. Articles that do not meet our posting guidelines will not be published.