ICE 2021 Report

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15000+ students are more globally minded! In 2021, ICE launched

– 103 educational programmes with
– 15 FREE programmes offered to underprivileged schools and societies
– Directly impacted with 15000+ students and participants
– 43% Universities and corporates, 57% secondary and primary schools
– Over 95,000 views on YouTube!
– New activities: Sustainable Development Goals course, Model United Nations Training, Quidditch, Pinata workshop, etc.

global competency

In 2022, we hope to continue to connect aspiring youths to world leaders to maximize their future career opportunities. 

#1 Students were matched with international guests to create mini documentaries. These type of projects nurtured global competency of students and improved their interview and cross cultural communication skills.

#2 Bringing in global female leaders from different fields e.g. the United Nations Development Programme and one of the first female space engineer in Krygyzstan to share about their career choices with the girls from Sacred Heart Canossian College.

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在家環遊世界 ICE Explorers’ Month

We’ve been working hard on bringing the world to you with our Explorers’ Month series to the public, and now to CityU students! We have explored the history, language, tourism, cuisines with format of videos and live sessions, interactive Q&A, face to face workshops of 9 countries.

With over 10,000 views on our Explorers’ Month videos in 2021, we hope to bring our work forward and provide a playground for your students to join more in depth and fun sessions in 2022.