Explore Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 探索哈薩克


當地人帶你探索哈薩克 Explore Kazakhstan from a local perspective

What do you associate with the 9th largest country in the world? Perhaps the fresh air that blows gently through the steppe? Or maybe it’s the futuristic looking buildings of Nur-Sultan? Whether it is your first time hearing about Kazakhstan or you are a seasoned traveller in the Central Asia region, join us as our guests from Kazakhstan bring you on a virtual tour around their hometown and show you some local secrets.


哈薩克尋香之旅工作坊 Explore Kazakhstan x Sachet Making


We often connect unique fragrance with the environment and people and a whiff of a familiar smell can bring back memories of that we want to revisit. As we enter the autumn season, we have invited Moldir from Kazakhstan to collaborate with Sharu from Lin Heung House to hold a fragrance workshop. participants can not only understand the traditional Kazakh culture through our guests, but also have a chance to create your own unique Kazakh fragrance by using different woody or herbal ingredients. Join us to this mysterious Central Asian country with your senses.

蘇聯解體後的哈薩克女性 The Role of Women in post Soviet Kazakhstan

Mao Zedong once said that women can hold up half the sky but decades after his death, many countries are still struggling with diversity and inclusion for all. Our guests, Anastassiya and Moldir, are firm believers in gender equality and in this casual session, they will share about issues faced by women in Kazakhstan and the younger generation’s view on feminism.

毛澤東曾說過「婦女能頂半邊天」,但自他離世至今,很多國家還在性別包容和多元化社會的議題上還有不少爭議和討論。我們的嘉賓- Anastassiya 和 Moldir是性別平等的倡議者,她們將會分享哈薩克女性在現今社會上面臨的問題和年輕一代對對女權主義的看法。

Kazakhstan Knowledge Quiz 哈薩克你又知幾多?

今次我地有嚟自約旦嘅Najeed 同上次試食印尼辣雞嘅 Saturnia參加哈薩克問答大賽!👏🏻 哈薩克你知唔知係邊?你對呢個地方有幾了解?哈薩克冬天凍得剩下-50度?挑戰哈薩克民族舞蹈?快啲睇片考下自己啦!

How much do you know about Kazakhstan? Do you know they eat horse and drink horse/camel milk? Some cities can go down to = – 57°C in winter. Watch to learn more about this mysterious country in Central Asia.