【Inter Cultural Education X Kevin Cheung】
夏天又黎到喇,大家係咪覺得今年夏天又熱咗呢?想為環保出一分力之餘,又想體驗下做手工既樂趣?快啲黎參加我地個拇指琴工作坊啦!今次我哋同張瑋晉先生合作,為大家送上一個將廢物升級再造(upcycling)嘅工作坊。張瑋晉先生,Upcycling 產品開發者,會教大家點樣將廢棄嘅單車物料去造佢發明嘅拇指琴。ICE仲會贊助參加者場地同導師嘅費用添!快啲報名參加啦!
Summer is coming very soon! Have you planned your summer holiday? Partnering with Kevin Cheung, an upcycling product developer who strives to raise environmental awareness among the public, Inter Cultural Education cordially presents to you the Thumbiano workshop. During the workshop you will be working on materials from old bicycles, guided by Kevin Cheung, to produce a “Thumbiano”!
Made of spokes collected from old bicycle wheels and wood from wine boxes, Thumbiano is a simplified version of an ancient African instrument Kalimba. Thumbiano contains 8 notes and could be easily played with both your thumbs. Come and join us! ICE will be covering the venue and instructor fee!!
香港灣仔石水渠街85號 6/F (灣仔站 A3 出口)
費用:180元正 (材料費)
報名表 : https://goo.gl/forms/b27p37doLBH5UUWq1
Thumbiano Workshop
Date: 17/7/2017
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: St. James’ Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Centre
6/F, St. James’ Settlement, No. 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Wanchai MTR Exit A3)
Instructor: Kevin Cheung
Fee: $180 (Materials Fee)
Language: Cantonese
To register: https://goo.gl/forms/b27p37doLBH5UUWq1
張瑋晉畢業於香港理工大學設計系(產品設計),投入Upcycling 產品開發,並透過各種渠道提高公眾的環保意識。在創造產品的同時,他相信設計師有能力和責任保護環境,以可持續的態度平衡生態、經濟和社會三大支柱,惠澤社會。
Instructor introduction:
Kevin Cheung is an upcycling product developer who strives to raise environmental awareness among the public. He believes that designers could contribute to sustainable development and ecological balance by designing environmentally-friendly products. He is a talented artisan who transforms waste materials into artefacts which embrace both artistic and practical qualities. Occasionally organising workshops which provide hands-on experience of creating products from waste materials, he prompts people to reflect on their consumption behaviours and be conscious of the waste they might have produced inadvertently.
Payment details:
Bank Name: Hang Seng Bank
Account: 788-002 681-883
Be sure to email us at ice@icehongkong.com to confirm payment.
More payment details can be found on www.icehongkong.com/payment