探索哈薩克x香包製作體驗 Explore Kazakhstan x Sachet Making


We often connect unique fragrance with the environment and people and a whiff of a familiar smell can bring back memories of that we want to revisit. As we enter the autumn season, we have invited Moldir from Kazakhstan to collaborate with Sharu from Lin Heung House to hold a fragrance workshop. participants can not only understand the traditional Kazakh culture through our guests, but also have a chance to create your own unique Kazakh fragrance by using different woody or herbal ingredients. Join us to this mysterious Central Asian country with your senses.

《探索哈薩克x香包製作體驗 Explore Kazakhstan x Sachet Making》

日期 Date:26/9/2021
時間 Time:1130-1300​
費用 Fee:HKD260* ​ (#學生 Student HKD 200*, CODE: STUDENT [quota is limited])
語言 Language: 英語 English
名額 Quota:20人/people
地址 Address:堅尼地城祥興工業大廈3樓 3/F
Cheung Hing Industrial Building, Kennedy Town
(1 min walk from Exit A, Kennedy Town Station)

*價錢已包括導師和材料費。 Materials and instructor fee have been included in the fee.
#學生請於入場時出示學生證。Student must show to our staff a valid student ID upon arrival.

如有任何問題,歡迎Whatsapp聯絡我們:+852 5604 3139
Contact us if you have any enquiries.