#StayHomeAndExplore #在家環遊世界

We are almost three quarters of our way through 2020 and with the pandemic still lingering around, many of us feel frustrated with the lack of human interactions and constraints such as the travel ban. This is why we are launching our Explorers’ Month series! We will travel to one country every month with a dedicated guide and understand the history and the way of life through the locals’ perspective, learn their language and participate in an AmateurChef class to cook simple food from the country. We will also be having discussion sessions on important issues affecting the country. All of these will happen through our online channels. Let’s revolutionise travelling and continue on our journey to learn about the world!
With more than 300 sign-ups, the responses have been very positive. A number of participants have reflected that our program is thought-provoking with over 80% of them reflected that they will recommend the session to their peers. There are a number of school teachers who have promoted our program to their students which broadens our range of audience.
4 sessions every month
Fika Club – Explore and discuss the world’s latest news/ biggest headline with our guests!
Uncle Jey’s Canteen – Watch our cook-off competition and learn food cultures around the world!
Armchair Traveller – Travel at home with our local guide who will share their authentic local experiences!
Till’s Language Lab – Perfect language survival course where guests from different countries will teach you their official/ common language in exciting ways!
– 晨間聊天室💬- 和來自世界各地的嘉賓一起探討即時新聞及城中熱話
– 坡仔食堂🍝- 從嘉賓們的料理對決中學習到各地獨有的飲食文化
– 坐遊世界🏖️- 旅行的另一種體驗:安坐家中,當地人帶領你去體驗最地道的本土文化
– 跟德佬學學外語📚- 用簡單、輕鬆的方法學習不同國家的標準/地區方言