Explorer Singapore 探索新加坡🇸🇬

Travel to Singapore with us without leaving your home!

晨間聊天室 Fika Club

27 September (Sunday) 10am HKT

Fika, a traditional Swedish concept of coffee break, socialising and connecting with friends. Join us online as we sip coffee, eat pastries and learn about the basics of the education system in Singapore and how “kiasu-ism” (scared of losing attitude) plays a part in shaping the lives of Singaporean students. 

九月的晨間聊天室將會邀請在地新加坡人為大家分享新加坡的教育制度,以及新加坡的獨特文化—「驚輸」(kiasu-ism) 如何影響他們生活上的大小事。

Topic: Education System in Singapore. Are we just Kiasu?

坐遊世界 The Armchair Traveller 

12 September 7pm HKT

Tired of staying at home and dream about travelling abroad? Let us take you through the streets of Singapore this month using Google Earth and Street View to learn more about the history behind some of the most iconic sights in the Lion City.

因為COVID-19大家都被迫閉門在家,但相信大家到處去旅遊的心一定從未改變。我們將會帶大家用Google Street View在自己的房間裡「坐遊世界」。導遊將會帶你走遍世界各地的旅遊景點,讓大家坐在家中也能夠享受當地的文化,體驗一次與眾不同的視像旅行!

跟德佬學外語 Till’s Language Lab 

19 September 7pm HKT

Singlish is a reflection of the multiculturalism of Singapore as it is English peppered with words and grammar from more than 7 other languages and dialects . Join us online as we learn about this unique creole with our self professed linguistics lover Till!

新加坡是個多元文化的國家,雖然英文是其官方語言,但他們常會參雜自己母語的用法或是發音,最後形成極具特色的「新加坡式英文」。來自德國的語言天才Till 將會為大家介紹更多關於這個獨特的語言喔,有興趣的同學們記得要留意這期的「跟德佬學外語」喇~

坡仔食堂 Uncle Jey’s Canteen 

30 September (Wednesday) 8pm HKT

Since this is the month of Singapore, Uncle Jey will teach a Hongkonger how to cook Singapore food. We know Uncle Jey is good at eating, but is he good at teaching others? Stay tuned to find out!

在新加坡之月,Jey將會教導一位土生土長的香港人輕鬆煮出一道美味又地道的新加坡菜~大家都知道Jey 十分貪吃,但他是否能夠將他吃過的食物轉化為烹飪技巧,搖身一變稱為一個ICE的首席大廚呢?想知道答案就記得要留意ICE今期的坡仔食堂

Download here for a free copy of our Uncle's Jey Canteen recipe
Download here for a free copy of our Singapore Travel Guide

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