ICE X 張瑋晉 Kevin Cheung 自製非洲拇指琴工作坊 Thumbiano Workshop

【Inter Cultural Education X Kevin Cheung】 —————————- 夏天又黎到喇,大家係咪覺得今年夏天又熱咗呢?想為環保出一分力之餘,又想體驗下做手工既樂趣?快啲黎參加我地個拇指琴工作坊啦!今次我哋同張瑋晉先生合作,為大家送上一個將廢物升級再造(upcycling)嘅工作坊。張瑋晉先生,Upcycling 產品開發者,會教大家點樣將廢棄嘅單車物料去造佢發明嘅拇指琴。ICE仲會贊助參加者場地同導師嘅費用添!快啲報名參加啦! Summer is coming very soon! Have you planned your summer holiday? Partnering with Kevin Cheung, an upcycling product developer who strives to raise environmental awareness among the public, Inter Cultural Education cordially presents to you the Thumbiano workshop. During the workshop you will be working on Read more about ICE X 張瑋晉 Kevin Cheung 自製非洲拇指琴工作坊 Thumbiano Workshop[…]

“As American as Apple Pie”?

The easiest way to feel more global in the so-called Asia’s world city? View your local food differently! Over 2/3 of the foods consumed globally are not naturally grown in their local, respective countries. And for Hong Kong, due to its land scarcity and suffocating concrete jungle, almost all food ingredients have to be imported. Read more about “As American as Apple Pie”?[…]