Explore Indonesia 探索印尼🇮🇩

宅遊世界印尼篇 🇮🇩 The Armchair Traveller – Indonesia


Do you know that Indonesia is divided into three time zones; the capital city Jakarta, uses the western Indonesian time zone, while Bali uses the Central Indonesian time zone? This month, we will bring you to places across all 3 time zones in “Emerald of the Equator” and explore the unique culture and gorgeous and exotic places in each of them.

🇮🇩 印尼華僑身份認同 Fika Club: “Chinese-Indonesian” Identity

你曾經誤認過印尼人為華人嗎?其實他們是印尼華僑(Chindo),因為他們的祖先從中國搬到印尼落地生根。現時,印尼華僑佔總人口大約1.20%!受到多元文化影響下,印尼華僑也漸漸演變出自己的一套文化。我們的嘉賓,Irene & Jason,會以印尼華僑的身份向我們分享他們的文化習俗。你可以了解到印尼華僑如何融合兩地文化,並發展出獨有的身份認同。

Have you ever met someone who looked like Chinese but they are actually Indonesian? These people are called “Chindo” or Chinese-Indonesian people. How different or similar are the traditions practiced by Chinese-Indonesian compared to ethnically Chinese people from other places? How does Indonesian culture influence the every day life of Chinese-Indonesians while they continue to practice traditions brought down from their ancestors?. Join us as we discover more about the “Chindo” identity, their mixed culture and lifestyle from our Chinese-Indonesian guests.

工人姐姐的夢想與現實 Sunday with Rosidah, a domestic worker in Hong Kong

在港印傭Rosidah 的訪問 – 工人姐姐的夢想與現實。

Sunday, a day where people usually have a day off from work and rest in their home. However, here in Victoria Park, we see groups of people sitting together. A lot of questions come to our mind when we see them. “Who are they?”, “What else are they doing apart from their weekday work?”, “I’ve seen them before but I don’t know anything about them”. Join us as we interview Rosidah, an Indonesian domestic worker in HK and learn more about her family and her work in Hong Kong. The views expressed in the video are those of the interviewee’s and do not necessarily represent the positions or views of Inter Cultural Education or other organisations.

React to EXTREME Spicy Indonesian Food

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