Our Ukrainian and Polish guests will share about the experience of their familiy members since 10 Feb 2022 and will talk about their personal experience of what they have been doing to help the Ukrainian refugee families. Our friend will also share what actions have been taken within the Ukrainian community in Hong Kong to help their friends and families back at home.
互文教社致力提升大眾對世界、文化的認識和理解。本社將舉辦一次分享講座,由邀得來自波蘭及烏克蘭的講者,分享烏克蘭最新局勢發展 ,亦討論烏俄衝突爆發以來,他們如何面對這次難民危機。正身處波蘭與烏克蘭的講者,會分享在這個艱難的時刻,如何在邊境前線幫助及安頓被迫逃離家園的難民,我們亦有現時身在港的烏克蘭人分享香港人如何支援在戰爭中受影響的民眾。
語言Language: English
對象Audience: Secondary school students
價錢Fee: Free
Sign up link: https://bit.ly/3qfoSqC
This is an invitation only event. For attendance and adminstration purposes and potential followup, please write down the information of teacher who nominated you.
如有任何問題,歡迎Whatsapp聯絡我們:+852 5604 3139 if you have any enquiries.