11 月 11, 2020

ICE New Programmes 2020-2021

在新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的影響下,ICE在過去一年改為網上形式舉辦跨文化交流項目,並得到不少師生的認可。在我們最近與香港資優教育學苑網上合辦的模擬聯合國訓練中,更有其中兩位學生在 Honourable Mention Award and Best Speaker Award in Hong Kong Model United Nations Club 2020! 

We are excited to announce the launch of 3 new programmes this year that can be held both online/offline or as a hybrid programme for all ages!

我們的目的旨在讓不同年齡或背景的學生能夠 「分析」、, 「想像」「行動」,發掘及培養領袖潛能及素質,令他們成為世界公民和廿一世紀的領袖。透過網上學習及來自不同界別的人士投入參與,學生將在實踐的過程中享受學習。

For junior students:

Crash Course: Virtual Traveller


  • Learn about different countries from international guests as they virtually bring students on a tour around their country
  • Explore Hong Kong through implementing their analytical and research skills to create a virtual tour using online tools


Video editing, Global talks with guests, Peer evaluation, Storytelling

For senior students:

UN Sustainable Development Goals


  • Equip students with knowledge on the SDGs and learn about practical actions they can introduce in their daily lives
  • Gain insights into entrepreneurship
    through intensive and highly interactive activities


Case studies, Meet with global industry experts, ideation and prototype, Interviews, On site visits, Pitching

For motivated students:

Model United Nations Training Programme


  • Increase students’ confidence and competence in the participation and engagement in internationally minded conversations with global perspectives through experiences in Model United Nation settings
  • Increase awareness in global issues through effective research and readiness in discussions


Public speaking and debate skills training, Mock debates, Global dialogue with guests, Global knowledge, MUN taster

如果 貴校對以上活動想有更深入的了解,可以按以下連結填寫表格:

報名 https://forms.gle/ZYMLzdaknw66XfZM7