Dialogue: Ukrainian Refugee Crisis 烏克蘭難民的日與夜

Our Ukrainian and Polish guests will share about the experience of their familiy members since 10 Feb 2022 and will talk about their personal experience of what they have been doing to help the Ukrainian refugee families. Our friend will also share what actions have been taken within the Ukrainian community in Hong Kong to Read more about Dialogue: Ukrainian Refugee Crisis 烏克蘭難民的日與夜[…]

ICE 2021 Report

15000+ students are more globally minded!
In 2021, ICE launched 103 educational programmes with 15 free programmes offered to underprivileged schools and societies
 Directly impacted with 15000+ students and participants.
 Over 95,000 views on YouTube!

Explore Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 探索哈薩克

What do you associate with the 9th largest country in the world? Perhaps the fresh air that blows gently through the steppe? Or maybe it’s the futuristic looking buildings of Nur-Sultan? Whether it is your first time hearing about Kazakhstan or you are a seasoned traveller in the Central Asia region, join us as our guests from Kazakhstan bring you on a virtual tour around their hometown and show you some local secrets.

探索哈薩克x香包製作體驗 Explore Kazakhstan x Sachet Making


星期五的祈禱很困難 Friday prayers are difficult

Friday is a sacred day of worship in Islam and Muslims are required to join Friday prayers every week. For Muslims in Hong Kong, this may be a bit of a challenge as they would have to attend the prayers during lunch hours. Muslims would head to Mosques or prayer rooms nearby for prayers then head back to work, but this is more difficult for Muslims working or studying in New Territories as there are currently no Mosques in that area.

Explore Indonesia 探索印尼🇮🇩

宅遊世界印尼篇 🇮🇩 The Armchair Traveller – Indonesia 你知道印尼有分三個時區—例如首都雅加達採用印尼西部時間,峇里島用印尼中部時嗎?五月,我們會帶你暢遊這顆「在赤道上的翡翠」,橫跨三個時區,探索當中獨有文化丶風景宜人的地方。 Do you know that Indonesia is divided into three time zones; the capital city Jakarta, uses the western Indonesian time zone, while Bali uses the Central Indonesian time zone? This month, we will bring you to places across all 3 time zones in “Emerald of the Equator” and Read more about Explore Indonesia 探索印尼🇮🇩[…]

Explore Egypt 探索埃及🇪🇬

宅遊埃及🇪🇬 The Armchair Traveller – Egypt 有沒有想過去埃及旅遊但卻不去看金字塔?甚至不去遊覽埃及的首都-開羅,而去參觀其他歷史悠久的城市?在這個虛擬的旅程中,我們將帶大家從白雪皚皚的西奈山峰開始出發,聖經故事中的摩西正是在這裡收到了十誡。你還知道埃及其實有如水晶般清澈的海水嗎?埃及的哈卜藍洞被名為「潛水員公墓」,是世界十大危險的潛水之地。想知道更多其他不為人知的埃及故事和長達7000年的歷史? 記得登記宅遊埃及🇪🇬 的活動! Ever thought of visiting Egypt and NOT seeing the Great Pyramids? What if you didn’t even go to Cairo at all, and just visited Egypt’s other historic regions such as Alexandria, Sinai, and Luxor? Maybe it’s not such a crazy idea. In this virtual tour, we’ll Read more about Explore Egypt 探索埃及🇪🇬[…]