Explore Japan 🇯🇵 探索日本


茶話会:90後日本人講日本 Sawakai: Discover the real Japan with a Japanese

您有考慮過去日本長期工作或生活嗎? 參加我們的Live來一起更深入地了解居住在日本的實況吧。 我們將會探索本地的工作文化以及與工作文化相關的挑戰和問題。 我們的嘉賓 Ken 在日本還有在國外都生活了很多年,他很樂意回答您對在日本生活的所有問題!

Thinking about working or living in Japan for an extended period of time? Join us as we dive deeper and learn about how it is like to be a resident in Japan. We will also explore the working culture and associated challenges and problems. Our guest for the session, Ken, has lived in both Japan and abroad 2for many years and he is happy to take all your questions!

嫁給畿內亞人的日本太太 Land-crossed lovers: Japanese meets Guinean

表面上日本社會似乎是一個極其同質化的社會,但是日本厚生勞動省在 2016 年的一項人口調查中發現日本女性在選擇外國配偶時比起男性有更大的地域多樣性。今次的YouTube 直播中,我們邀請到與畿內亞人結婚的居港日本人 Shinobu來分享她的故事。她將會與大家分享他們是怎樣在克服了種種困難後走在一起的還有作為混血兒的父母的一些見解

While Japan might come across as an extremely homogenous society, a 2016 demographic study by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed that Japanese women displayed more geographic diversity than their male counterparts when it comes to choosing their foreign spouses. In this YouTube Live session, Shinobu, a Japanese married to a Guinean, will share her story on how they overcame all odds to be together and some insights on being a parent of a mixed race child.

和製外來語:日式口音大解構!Japanglish 101


Having difficulty understanding Japanese-accented English? The origin of the Japanglish words are not only English. It could also be French and German. As Japanese language has much fewer vowels and consonants, the pronunciation of the English words change after they are converted into Katakana. Watch our video and learn more about the interesting pronunciation changes in Japanglish!

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