6 月 15, 2020


Reviving in-school engagement with cultural exchanges

對於老師及所有教育工作者,疫情無疑是一個前所未有的巨大挑戰。 很多學生因此缺乏全方位發展的機會,尤其是對於全球的認識。 故此,我們ICE 致力提供 各種文化體驗活動,讓學生在輕鬆的環境下與外國人交流,認識各地文化及培養國際視野。 現在希望向各位提供「全球視野. 在地實踐」工作坊,邀請在港居住的異鄉人與學生彼此交流,擴闊世界觀,並訓練他們以批判性思考分析國際議題。

We, ICE, are eager to help educators to restore those authentic interactions. We are launching our “Global Perspective Dialogue” series for Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. Sign up now!

▉ 「全球視野.在地實踐」工作坊是什麼?

It is a 60 to 90-minute free2 session in which our trainers and speakers foster stimulating cultural discussions with students. We cover diverse topics, including “rites of passage”, “education systems around the world”, “climate change”, etc. with the aim to break down cultural stereotypes. The theme is highly customizable according to different schools’ needs.  

▉ 合作機構

我們亦分別與 無疆界文化教育基金 和 鄉港家書合作以互動教學形式提供橋樑給本地人與非本地人互相認識,提供國際視野並帶出世界公民意識。  

活動形式和主題亦會根據不同學校的實質需要而有所不同。 如果你對我們的工作坊有興趣,請按此報名!  

▉ 「全球視野.在地實踐」工作坊有什麼元素?

Our trainers will bridge our international guests with students through diverse activities, such as presentations and small-group discussions. Ideally, a group of 3-4 guests, accompanied by 1-2 trainers, will facilitate a session in a class. 

▉ 我們的長期合作夥伴的推薦


Mr Gerald Li – English Teacher, Stewards Pooi Kei College

Thanks everyone from the ICE’s team for they have created an interesting and eye-opening Global Week for our students. My gratitude also goes to the teachers who walk an extra miles in widening the exposure of students. 

Miss Chow Siu Fung – Vice Principal, Ying Wa Girl’s School

You did an excellent job and I don’t think there is any organisation can do the similar thing for students.

Mr Lam Ngai Hung – Vice Principal, T.W.G.Hs. Kap Yan’s Director College

Thank you very much for the materials. Feedback from the activity has been very positive! The students have only complained about not having enough time to talk with you guys. I look forward to cooperating with you again in the future!

Mr Timmy Yip – Teacher, HKCCCU Logos Academy

▉ 提交申請表

Download the form below and return it to our email ice@icehongkong.com or to our office address. The registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis. For enquiries, please contact us at 2384 1990. 

▉ 立即填寫以下網上報名表吧!

Sign-up now to book your slot! https://icehongkong1.typeform.com/to/puLbf4


Free trial session for schools to have an opportunity to see ICE’s teaching methods and get to know the organisation for better cooperation. The free session is valid from April 2023 to May 2023 and only applies to schools ICE has not worked with before.