【Free】Indonesian Woleka Dance

【印尼傳統舞蹈工作坊 Indonesian Woleka Dance 】

相信大家喺香港接觸過吾少印尼姐姐,但大家對印尼呢個國家除左印尼撈麵仲有幾深嘅認識?我地今次就帶比大家Woleka Dance。Woleka Dance係印尼最南部松巴島嘅傳統舞蹈,男女舞者通常都有截然不同嘅動作。呢種舞蹈通常喺當地人接待貴賓、文化節日、藝術表演嘅時候表演㗎!

Woleka Dance is one of the most famous traditional welcome dance of Southwest Sumba, in the southernmost province of Indonesia. This dance is usually danced by male and female dancers with very distinctive movements. This dance is often featured in various events such as the reception of important guests, cultural festivals, and performing arts.

The origin of Woleka Dance is still not known for certain, but some sources say that the dance was originally shown to welcome and accompany the important guests or nobles who come there.

日期: 27/8/2017
時間: 下午2時至3時半
地點: 石硤尾公園體育館
費用: 免費
語言: 英語

Date: 27/8/2017
Time: 1400-1530
Target: Everyone! (BOYS and girls!)
Venue: Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre
Language: English
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/ByPolKe3Eo8zFqP22